CCC Fong Yun Wah Secondary School
Scrabble is a spelling game that challenges the mind and knowledge of the language. Competing against all other students from schools which are under The Church of Christ in China, our students had fought all their way through to the semi-final of ‘12th Inter-school Scrabble Tournament’ and won 3rd place in Hong Kong! 5A Ng Wai Yu was awarded the Best Player.
List of winners:
3A Ko Tin Wai, 3A Chan Tsz Yin, 3A Lee Tsz Ming, 3B Yip Sau Fung Elli,
5A Ng Wai Yu, 5A Ho Ho Chung, 5B Ali Haider, 5B Mai Chun Him
粵港澳 STEM AI挑戰賽(香港區賽)大銀獎
第三屆粵港澳大灣區技能競技賽2024 – 星際探索大銀獎及亞軍
「正視欺凌 擁抱愛」短視頻創作比賽2024 中學組冠軍及love in action大獎