
CCC Fong Yun Wah Secondary School

2025 年 1 月 13 日 星期一
1月2日 至 1月16日 中一自行分配學位申請
1月13日 至 1月24日 中一至中五級上學期考試、中六第二次模擬試


Winning the First place in the UNESCO SDGs Debating Competition!

22 年 9 月 15 日

In year 2021-2022, we started to form English Debate Team for both our junior and senior forms and participated in our first debate competition. Congratulations to our English Debate Team for their excellent performance in the UNESCO SDGs Debating Competition! Despite competing with schools territory-wide, 1A Ko Tin Wai, 1B Yip Sau Fung Elli & 1C Liu O Ching have won the Championship in the CMI S1 & S2 division! We are very proud of our students’ achievement!

Link to competition result: https://drive.google.com/drive/folders/1_SmDUN3OslZYWQ_6AbqAxVX8MfvqBw03