CCC Fong Yun Wah Secondary School
FYWSS is proud to announce that 3A Ko Tin Wai, 3A Liu O Ching and 3B Yip Sau Fung Elli won 2nd place in the S3 Division of the UNSDGs Debating Competition organized by UNESCO Hong Kong Association. Our senior team, 4C Cheung Yat Hong, 5A Ho Ho Chung and 5B Ali Haider also won 3rd place in the S5 Division.
To provide opportunities for our elites in exploring the language, FYWSS has joined several competitions to challenge their English and their minds. Throughout the training and intense preparation, our students have developed strong critical thinking and public speaking skills as they engage in lively, structured debates, as well as getting an in-depth understanding of the relationships between the sustainable development goals of UNSDGs and a variety of topics, covering aspects of technological development, economics, environmental issues and social sustainability.
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