Download the application form from school website ( or collect the form from the school during office hours. Applicants should submit their applications either using the printed application forms issued by our school or via the SSPA e-platform. Do not submit applications to our school using both methods.
請於申請日期的辦公時間內親臨至本校,提交以下文件: Submit the following documents to our school by hand within the submission period.
填妥之方潤華中學「中一自行分配學位入學申請表」 The completed CCCFYWSS S.1 Discretionary Places Application Form
教育局印製的「中一自行分配學位申請表」(內附有「教育局存根」、「學校存根」及「家長存根」) The completed ‘Application Form for S1 Discretionary Place’ issued by the EDB
申請學生之小五下學期及小六上學期學校成績表副本 A copy of the applicant’s Primary 5 Second Term and Primary 6 First Term school report cards
申請學生之其他獲獎證書或資料副本 A copy of the applicant’s certificates of awards and relevant information
回郵長信封兩個,信封面須清楚寫上學生姓名、地址及貼上足夠郵資($2.2)的香港郵票 Two long stamped ($2.2) self-addressed envelope with the student’s name and address
申請學生之身分證副本 A copy of the applicant’s ID card
請將所有文件連同申請表用釘書機釘在一起,毋須另行用膠套式文件夾存放或附交USB記憶棒 Please staple all the documents and the application form together. There is no need to put the documents inside a plastic file or submit a personal USB.
每名學生只可向不多於兩所在《申請中一自行分配學位手冊》內列出的中學申請。否則,其獲得自行分配學位的機會將會被取消。 Each student may apply for no more than two secondary schools listed in Handbook for Application for Secondary 1 Discretionary Places. Otherwise, the student will be disqualified from the application process.
申請表一經遞交,不可撤回或取消。 Withdrawal and cancellation are not allowed once the application is made.
申請者不需遞交小學校長推薦信,亦不需列出其在小學考試中所考取的班/級名次。 Applicants do not have to submit any letters of recommendation from primary schools or list their form and class rankings.
星期一至五:上午9時至下午5時30分 星期六:上午9時至下午1時 星期日及公眾假期: 休息
School office hours: Monday to Friday:9:00am – 5:30pm Saturday: 9:00am – 1:00pm Sunday and Public Holiday:Closed
(三) 可供申請的自行分配中一學額 Number of Discretionary Places Available
(四) 收生準則及比重 Criteria for Selection and Weighting
Academic Performance
30 %
30 %
25 %
All-round Development
10 %
Connection to the school
5 %
(五) 面試安排 Interview Arrangement
本校將安排所有申請者進行面試,家長與學生必須同時出席。 All applicants and parents will be invited for an interview.
面試日期為2025年3月8日(星期六),各學生的面試時間將另函通知。 The interview will be held on 8 March 2025 (Saturday). All Applicants will be informed of their interview time by letter.
面試內容包括時事新聞、道德價值、學科知識及個人生活題等。 The interview will focus on social issues, value judgment, subject knowledge and personal lives, etc.
The personal information will solely be used for the school’s S.1 admission process and will be handed to the EDB. Without your consent, the information will not be disclosed to any third parties. Once the application process is finished, the information will be destroyed. You must make sure the information provided is adequate and authentic or else your application may be delayed or rejected.
(七) 公布結果 Release of results
本校將於2025年3月31日(星期一)透過書面及電話通知所有正取學生的家長其子女已獲本校納入其 自行分配學位正取學生名單。 Parents of all successful applicants of their children’s inclusion in the Successful Lists for Discretionary Places will be notified by letter and phone on 31 March 2025 (Monday).
教育局將於2025年7月公布派位結果。 EDB will release the results in July, 2025.